Friday, October 22, 2010


My new topic for the rest of the semester is clickers. A simple definition of clickers is technology tool that allows students to answer a question and then the teacher can compile the answers. Many college classroom, especially those with large numbers have begun to use these for many reasons. Some of the basic reasons is for attendance, or to check a simple understanding if the students are paying attention or if most of the class is paying attention. The question can be posted on the lecture, mostly on the power point that is on in class and then there are options to choose and then the answers can be shown on the bar graph so right there the teachers and the whole class can see the percentages of every response. More soon.


  1. Clickers,I never heard about it before. but it sound very interesting tool! I like the way that it can check a simple understanding with large number of students in class. Wanna know more what it look like and how to use it. Thank you Lindsay for raising this topic.

  2. I think clickers would be great to get a class debate going and sustain a class discussion. Throughout the task, students can vote and the changing attitudes can then be seen at the end.

  3. Hi Lindsay~
    I never used clickers in classroom before. But I saw any other used it in some TV shows~haha
    It is helpful for professors to know whether students are understanding the lecture. And also a great tool for gathering information for further research I think. Love it!

  4. many times I want to do class survey and I think this would be a fun way to do it Students will love that too.

  5. I have used clickers in under-grad. They were an excellent tool for quiz prepping students. Our entire class was handed our clickers and then the answers were bar graphed on the projector. I noticed that the questions where less then half the class answered correct, were usually on quizzes or exams.

  6. I personally haven't used clickers before, but I know my sister has in her classes in college (usually her chemistry or biology classes). I think they are an interesting tool and allow for students to participate in a large lecture setting. Also, students can participate without other student's knowing how they answered. I am interested to learn more about this topic!!

  7. I have never heard of a clicker before either. Do you think they encourage students to participate more because the teacher will know exactly how many students are answering questions?

  8. Hi Lindsay,
    I've actually used a form of clickers in one of my undergrad classes it's cool to use to check in or poll ideas with your classmates. I feel however it works better in a middle school-college setting. When I was student teaching, my teacher I was collaborating with tried to use it with my 4th graders and it was just too much for them and they even got distracted with the clickers so it defeated the purpose of trying to get them to focus to the presentation to be able to use the clickers.

  9. I have seen clickers before, but have never seen them used in a classroom setting. Asking students to participate using the clicker throughout class might help motivate them to staying focused. I think one of the biggest advantages is having the results right away. This would be fun for the teacher and the students.

  10. Aiabramo

    I have never heard of it before either. I have used simple voting and sometimes student have election simulation. I an sure it will help those kind of lessons
