Saturday, October 30, 2010

clickers- good or bad

Hi thanks for all the feedback on the clickers. It seems alot of people have not seen clickers before and those that have have not used them alot. Although i did enjoy the idea that it is better in older student populations. It makes sense to me that younger children could find the clicker a distraction more than a useful tool. I think many agree that it helps start a discussion and get a class going on a topic. This is a link to a article talking about other treachers that have used clickers and their opinions on them.


  1. In the article you provided, I saw this

    ‘…They alter classroom dynamics, engaging students in large, impersonal lecture halls with the power of mass feedback. "Clickers" ease fears of giving a wrong answer in front of peers, or of expressing unpopular opinions.’

    For me this is a good reason NOT to use Clickers. Students should get over their fear of giving a wrong answer not hide away from the responsibility and they should not court popularity all the time. They should stand on what they say good or bad.

  2. Later on in the same article it states:

    'Clickers increased class participation and improved attendance and clickers …compel professors to think about their lesson plans differently….’

    This is far more interesting result for the use of this technology.

  3. I liked this article because it makes you realize some students even at a college level don't feel comfortable participating in class. Using the clickers allows every student to voice their opinion. I would think using clickers would give the teacher a more accurate response.

  4. Lindsay, I know that there are many journal articles about the use of clickers in classrooms, particularly in science and math classrooms at the collegiate level. I came across them earlier this year when searching for articles on student engagement. As Steven mentioned above, they can be used to increase student participation.

  5. I agree with Gerry and the article. Some students can give opinion with losing face. In Thailand this is important to student.

  6. Steven

    Yes I agree that students should learn to be more confident. But Clickers is a good start to do that.

  7. Thanks for all the comments. I see everyone's point and i think i agree especially with vissy. Students should become cofident enough to voice their own opinion but clickers are a good start to getting people to partcipate and allows the teacher to get a estimation if people are paying attention. Also i think its best used in large classrooms.
