Wednesday, September 29, 2010


So after watching the video from youtube that was posted it made me look at how well the webiste was set up in helping you or navigate. One of the tools that I found that I liked was the tutorials and powerpoints in how to use noodle tools. This is similiar to the video in some ways but i thought it was pretty well set up and interestting. Seeing how many of us finished our website evaluations, i thought that this website was pretty easy to navigate and get through.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

comparing sites

As I continue to find new and interesting things on my website of noodle tools I also decided to look at other sites that are similiar to noodletools. When googling for other sites these were the ones that came up and I thought it was interesting to compare them and see what everyone thought of them. One that I am most familiar with is EasyBib. This site advertises the fact that they do the citations automatically for you, which seems to be very attractive to many students who do not have a good understanding of how to correctly cite sources. However this is a good example of how teachers make think that their students have learned this skill but really are just plugging in information. Noodletools seems to be a site that is much more beneficial in the sense that the task is not just completed but the student learns how to correctly do it. Here are the links to the other sites if anyone is interested in taking a look.  - Easy Bib - Bibliography maker - Son of Citation Machine -Source Aid

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


This noodletool website has so many different things on it. It helps students learn how to take notes and help you to organize what you are reading. All of these seem to be things alot of teachers expect of their students but many i feel do not learn accurately. Here is the link to the website and I will post more very soon. Feel free to look on the site and let me know what you find interesting.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Noodle tools....

So I have been researching and looking up noodle tools and basically noodletools is a family run website that offers software to teacher and students for research. The most common or popular part of noodle tools is the Noodle Bib. It seems they work hard to help the students and teachers to learn to become a better researcher and accurately cite sources instead of doing it automatically for you. I think that this is so much better becasue it makes the subscriber learn instead of punchung in information. Below I will attach the link to this website and update more soon!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

My first blog

This is my first time ever blogging and i'm very excited! My blog topic I choose to learn more about is noodletools....sounds fun!